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A Case of Ferrum Metallicum

A Case of Ferrum Metallicum A Patient Age-: 4 years male Cough and coryza since 3 to 4 days watery.

A Case of Fever Treated with Pulsatilla

A Case of Fever Treated with Pulsatilla Patient Age-: Child aged 3 yrs came with Complains of-: Fever along with.

A Case of Stomach Pain 

   A Case of Stomach Pain Cured with Rhus tox Patient Age-: Stomach pain of child 8 year female Got.

A Case Study – Fever Treated with Sabadilla

A Case Study – Fever Treated with Sabadilla Patient Age -: Child of 7 yrs Complaints-: Came with fever of.

Treat Viral Fever Naturally with Homeopathy | Safe & Lasting Relief

A Case of Viral Fever / Atista Indica a Rare Remedy Patient Aged-: 7 yr Female Child Complains-: Fever rising and decreasing Sos paracip  Exposure.

A Case of Acute Gastric Complains

At Platinum Family Clinic, we specialize in treating acute gastric complaints with the power of homeopathy. Our approach focuses on.

 A Case Study of Mangifera Indica

Mangifera Indica Disease: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment Options A CASE OF MANGIFERA INDICA Age : 41 years housewife Complain of.

 A Case Study of Menorrhagia Disease

Menorrhagia Disease: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment Options A CASE OF MENORRHAGIA IN YOUNG GIRL. Age : 12 years young girl.

 A Case Study of Haemorrhoids

Homeopathic Hemorrhoid Treatment: Natural and Effective Solutions A CASE OF HEMORRHOIDS TREAMNET TREATED WITH RHUS TOXICODENDRON Age : 24 year.

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